Publications scientifiques

178) Arthur Ouradou, Marc Veillette, Amélia Bélanger-Cayouette, Stéphane Corbin, Christian Boulanger, Sarah Dorner, Caroline Duchaine and Emilie Bédard. Effect of Odor Treatment Systems on Bioaerosol Microbial Concentration and Diversity from Wastewater Treatment Plant. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN) (sous presse).


177) Nathalie Turgeon, Mélissa Pagé, Justin Robillard, Véronique Goulet, Ali Bahloul, Clothilde Brochot, Mohamed Nejib Saidi and Nathan Dumont-Leblond and Caroline Duchaine (2023). Filtration performance, fit test and side effects of respiratory personal protective equipment following decontamination: observations for user safety and comfort. PLOSOne 18(1), e0280426.


176) Florent Rossi, Raphaëlle Péguilhan, Nathalie Turgeon, Marc Veillette, Jean-Luc Baray, Laurent Deguillaume, Pierre Amato and Caroline Duchaine (2023). Quantification of Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) in Clouds at a Mountain Site (puy de Dôme, Central France). Science of the Total Environment 865 (2023) 161264.


175) Amélia Bélanger Cayouette, Arthur Ouradou, Marc Veillette, Nathalie Turgeon, Paul B.L. George, Stéphane Corbin, Christian Boulanger, Caroline Duchaine and Emilie Bédard (2022). Effect of odor-treatment biofilter on bioaerosols from an indoor wastewater treatment plant. Atmosphere 13(10), 1723.


174) Paul B.L. George, Florent Rossi, Magali-Wen St-Germain, Pierre Amato, Thierry Badard, Michel G. Bergeron, Maurice Boissinot, Steve J, Charette, Brenda L. Coleman, Jacques Corbeil, Alexander I Culley, Marie-Lou, Gaucher, Mathieu Girard, Stéphane Godbout, Shelley Kirychuk, André Marette, Allison McGeer, Patrick T. O'shaughnessy, E. Jane Parmley, Serge Simard, Richard J. Reid-Smith, Edward Topp, Luc Trudel, Maosheng Yao, Patrick, Brassard, Anne-Marie Delort, A. Dalila Larios Martínez, Valérie Létourneau, Valérie E. Paquet, Marie-Hélène Pedneau, Émilie Pic, Brooke Thompson, Marc Veillette, Mary Thaler, Ilaria Scapino, Maria Lebeuf, Mahsa Baghdadi, Alejandra Castillo Toro, Amélia Bélanger Cayouette, Marie-Julie Dubois, Alicia F. Durocher, Sarah B. Girard, Andrea-Katherin Carranza Diaz, Asmaå Khalloufi, Samantha Leclerc, Joanie Lemieux, Manuel Perrez Maldonado, Geneviève Pilon, Colleen Murphy, Charly A. Murphy, Daniel Ofori-Darko, Juliette Provencher, Annabelle Richer-Fortin, Nathalie Turgeon, Caroline Duchaine (2022). Antibiotic resistance in the environment: towards elucidating the roles of bioaerosols in their transmission and detection of antibacterial resistance genes. Antibiotics 11(7), 974.


173) Paul B. L. George, Samantha Leclerc, Nathalie Tugeon, Marc Veillette and Caroline Duchaine. Conifer Needle Phyllosphere as a Potential Passive Monitor of Bioaerosolised Antibiotic Resistance Genes. Antibiotics 11(7), 907.


172) Hamza Mbareche, Vanessa Dion-Dupont, Marc Veillette, Evelyne Brisebois, Jacques Lavoie, and Caroline Duchaine (2022). Influence of Seasons and Sites on Bioaerosols in Indoor Wastewater Treatment Plants and Proposal for Air Quality Indicators. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 72(9), 1000-1011.


171) Nathan Dumont-Leblond, Caroline Duchaine, Marc Veillette, Visal Pen and Marco Bergevin (2022). A case of primary COVID-19 pneumonia: plausible airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2. European Journal of Medical Research, 27(1), 1-6.


170) Patrick Poulin, Axelle Marchand, Benoit Levesque, Marjolaine Dubé, Daniel Aubin, boualem Ouazia, Caroline Duchaine and Mario Brisson (2022). Impact of indoor air quality improvement in Nunavik homes on children’s respiratory health. Indoor Air 32(2), e13009.


169) Caroline Duchaine and Chad J Roy (2022). Bioaerosols and Airborne Transmission: Integrating Biological Complexity into our Perspective. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN) 825, 154117.


168) Jonathon D. Kotwa, Alainna J. Jamal, Hamza Mbareche, Lily Yip, Patryk Aftanas, Shiva Barati, Natalie G. Bell, Elizabeth Bryce, Eric Coomes, Gloria Crowl, Caroline Duchaine, Amna Faheem, Lubna Farooqi, Ryan Hiebert, Kevin Katz, Saman Khan, Robert Kozak, Angel X. Li, Henna P. Mistry, Mohammad Mozafarihashjin, Jalees A. Nasir, Kuganya Nirmalarajah, Emily M. Panousis , Aimee Paterson, Simon Plenderleith, Jeff Powis, Karren Prost, Renée Schryer, Maureen Taylor, Marc Veillette, Titus Wong, Xi Zoe Zhong, Andrew G. McArthur, Allison J. McGeer, Samira Mubareka (2021). Surface and Air Contamination With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 From Hospitalized Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients in Toronto, Canada, March–May 2020. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 20: 1-9.


167) Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillette, Vanessa Dion-Dupont, Jacques Lavoie and Caroline Duchaine (2022). Microbial composition of bioaerosols in indoor wastewater treatment plants. Aerobiologia 38(1): 35-50.


166) Maria Lebeuf, Nathalie Turgeon, Cynthia Faubert, Alexandre Pleau, Justin Robillard, Éric Paradis, André Marette and Caroline Duchaine. Contaminants and Where to Find Them: Microbiological Quality Control in Axenic Animal Facilities. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021, vol. 12, p. 709399.


165) Julyanne Brassard, Joanny Roy, Anne-Marie Lemay, Marie-Josée Beaulieu, Emilie Bernatchez, Marc Veillette, Caroline Duchaine, Marie-Renée Blanchet. Exposure to the Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa influences the lung dendritic cell population signature by interfering with CD103 expression. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 11: 593.


164) Marie-Ève Dubuis, Étienne Racine, Jonathan Mark Vyskocil, Nathalie Turgeon, Christophe Tremblay, Espérance Mukawera, Guy Boivin, Nathalie Grandvaux and Caroline Duchaine. Ozone inactivation of airborne influenza and lack of resistance of respiratory syncytial virus to aerosolization and sampling processes. PlosONE 16(7): e0253022.


163) Marie-Ève Dubuis, Jodelle Degois, Marc Veillette, Nathalie Turgeon, Bianka Paquet-Bolduc, Guy Boivin and Caroline Duchaine. High and Low Flowrate Sampling of Airborne Influenza in Hospital Rooms During Three Outbreaks. Journal of Aerosol Science158 : 105824.


162) Jodelle Degois, Marc Veillette, Patrick Poulin, Benoit Lévesque, Boualem Ouazia, Mario Brisson, François Maltais and Caroline Duchaine (2021). Indoor air quality assessment in dwellings with different ventilation strategies in Nunavik and impacts on bacterial and fungal microbiota. Indoor Air DOI: 10.1111/ina.12857


161) Nathan Dumont-Leblond, Marc Veillette, Christine Racine, Philippe Joubert and Caroline Duchaine (2021). Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Microbiota Characterization: Prevalence of Enteric and Potentially Pathogen Bacteria in Cancer Tissues. PlosONE 16(4), e0249832


160) Marie-Ève Dubuis and Caroline Duchaine (2021). Aerosol production during blood and urine pre-analytical processing and handling in a hospital biochemistry clinical laboratory during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, section Occupational Health and Safety 9, 413


159) Maria Lebeuf, Nathalie Turgeon, Cynthia Faubert, Éric Paradis and Caroline Duchaine (2021). Managing the Bacterial Contamination Risk in an Axenic Mice Animal Facility. Canadian Journal of Microbiology /

158) Amaia Fernandez-Iriarte, Caroline Duchaine, Jodelle Degois, Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillete, Natalia Moreno, Fulvio Amato, Xavier Querol, Teresa Moreno (2021). Bioaerosols in public and tourist buses. Aerobiologia/


157) Nathan Dumont-Leblond, Marc Veillette, Luc Bhérer, Karine Boissoneault, Samira Mubareka, Lily Yip, Marie-Ève Dubuis, Yves Longtin, Philippe Jouvet, Allison McGeer and Caroline Duchaine (2021). Positive no-touch surfaces and undetectable SARS-CoV-2 aerosols in long-term care facilities: an attempt to understand the contributing factors and the importance of timing in air sampling campaigns. American Journal of Infection Control 29(20210; 701-706 /DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2021.02.004


156) Jodelle Degois, Marie-Ève Dubuis, Nathalie Turgeon, Marc Veillette and Caroline Duchaine (2021).Condensation sampler efficiency for the recovery and infectivity preservation of viral bioaerosols. Aerosol Science and Technology 55(6): 653-664 DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2021.1889960


155) Nathan Dumont-Leblond, Marc Veillette, Christine Racine, Philippe Joubert and Caroline Duchaine (2021). Development of a robust method for the characterization of the pulmonary microbiota. Communications Biology DOI: 10.1038/s42003-021-01690-5


154) Nathan Dumont-Leblond, Marc Veillette, Samira Mubareka, Lily Yip, Yves Longtin, Philippe Jouvet, Bianka Paquet Bolduc, Stéphane Godbout, Gary Kobinger, Allison McGeer, Alex Mikszewski and Caroline Duchaine. Low incidence of airborne SARS-CoV-2 in acute care hospital rooms with optimized ventilation. Emerging Microbes and Infection


153) Lidia Morawska and Donald K Milton (and 239 signatories) (2020). It is time to address airborne transmission of Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19). Clinical Infectious Diseases Jul 6; ciaa939


152) Sophie Zhang and Caroline Duchaine (2020). SARS-CoV-2 and Healthcare Worker Protection in Low-Risk Settings: A Review of Modes of Transmission and a Novel Airborne Model Involving Inhalable Particles. Clinical Microbiology Reviews (sous presse)  


151) Ariane Lechasseur, Carole-Ann Huppé, Maude Talbot, Mélanie Hamel-Auger, Joanie Routhier, Sophie Aubin, Marie-Josée Beaulieu, Marie-Ève Paré, Caroline Duchaine, David Marsolais and Mathieu C Morissette. Exposure to nicotine-free and flavor-free e-cigarette vapors modifies the pulmonary response to tobacco cigarette smoke in mice. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2020 Aug 26. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00037.2020. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32845704


150) Jonathan M Vyskocil, Valérie Létourneau, Magali-Wen St–Germain, Jean-Gabriel Turgeon, and Caroline Duchaine. Challenge of mechanical and antimicrobial filters against infectious phages artificially agglomerated with inorganic dust with a known particle-size distribution. Aerosol Science and Technology (sous presse)


149) Karine Duquette-Lozeau, Valérie Létourneau, Joanie Lemieux, Sébastien Fournel, Caroline Côté, Stéphane Godbout and Caroline Duchaine. Production of composted recycled manure solids from a Canadian dairy farm: impact on microbial air quality in experimental conditions. Journal of Air &Waste Management Association (sous presse)


148) Jonathan Vyskocil, Nathalie Turgeon, Jean-Gabriel Turgeon and Caroline Duchaine. Ozone treatment in a wind tunnel for the reduction of airborne viruses in swine buildings. Aerosol Science and Technology (sous presse)


147) Hamza Mbareche, Nathan Dumont-Leblond, Guillaume J Bilodeau and Caroline Duchaine (2020). Bioinformatics Tools to Study the Microbial Ecology of Bioaerosols: Digest for Microbiologists. Life 10 :185 doi:10.3390/life10090185


146) Mbarka Bchetnia, Catherine Girard, Caroline Duchaine and Catherine Laprise (2020). The outbreak of the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): a review of the current global status. Journal of Infection and Public Health /


145) Benjamin G. Wu, Bianca Kapoor, Kristin J. Cummings, Marcia L. Stanton, Randall J. Nett, Kathleen Kreiss, Jerrold L. Abraham, Thomas V. Colby, Angela D. Franko, Francis H.Y. Green, Soma Sanyal, Jose C. Clemente, Zhan Gao, Maryaline Coffre, Adriana Heguy, Yonghua Li, Imran Sulaiman, Timothy C. Borbet, Sergei B. Koralov, Robert J. Tallaksen, Douglas Wendland, Vance D. Bachelder, Randy J. Boylstein, Ju-Hyeong Park, Jean M. Cox-Ganser, M. Abbas Virji, Judith A. Crawford, Nicole T. Edwards, Marc Veillette, Caroline Duchaine, Krista Warren, Sarah Lundeen, David N. Weissman, Martin J. Blaser and Leopoldo N. Segal, MD (2020). Evidence for environmental-human microbiota transfer at a manufacturing facility with novel work-related respiratory disease. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Jul 16.  doi: 10.1164/rccm.202001-0197OC  


144) Camilla Vornanen-Winqvist, Kati Järvi, Aino Maria Alice. Andersson, Caroline Duchaine, Valérie Létourneau, Orsolya Kedves, Laszlo Kredics, Raimo Mikkola, Jarek Kurnitski and Heidi Salonen (2020). Exposure to indoor air contaminants in school buildings with and without reported indoor air problems. Environment International 141.2020.105781


143) Carole-Ann Huppé, Pascale Blais Lecours, Emilie Bernatchez, Jean-François Lauzon-Joset, Caroline Duchaine, Kelly McNagny, Marie-Renée Blanchet, Mathieu C. Morissette, and David Marsolais. S1P1 Contributes to Endotoxin-enhanced B Cell Functions Involved in Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (sous presse)


142) Marie-Eve Dubuis, Nathan Dumont-Leblond, Camille Laliberté, Marc Veillette, Nathalie Turgeon, Julie Jean and Caroline Duchaine (2020). Ozone efficacy for the control of airborne viruses: bacteriophage and norovirus models. PlosONE 15(4), e0231164


141) Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillette, Guillaume J. Bilodeau, and Caroline Duchaine (2020). Comparison of the performance of ITS1 and ITS2 as barcodes in amplicon-based sequencing of bioaerosols. Peer Journal 8, e8523


140) Valérie Létourneau, Caroline Duchaine, Martin Belzile, Matthieu Girard, Stéphane P. Lemay, Stéphane Godbout (2020).Bench Scale Pig Buildings: validation of a model for studying airborne contaminants of concern for human and animal health. Transactions of the ASABE 63(2):1-8


139) Jennie Cox, Hamza Mbareche, William G Lindsley and Caroline Duchaine (2020). Field Sampling of Indoor Bioaerosols. Aerosol Science and Technology 54(5): 572-584


138) Malin Alsved, Lydia Bourouiba, Caroline Duchaine, Jakob Löndahl, Linsey Marr, Simon T Parker, Aaron J Prussin II and Richard J. Thomas (2019). Natural sources and experimental generation of bioaerosols. Aerosol Science and Technology Aerosol Science and Technology DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2019.1682509


137) Jonathan Mark Vyskocil, Valérie Létourneau, Matthieu Girard, Ariane Lévesque and Caroline Duchaine. Reduction of bioaerosols emitted from a swine confinement building by a percolating biofilter during a 10-month period. Atmosphere 10, 525; doi:10.3390/atmos10090525


136) Joanie Lemieux, Marc Veillette, Hamza Mbareche, and Caroline Duchaine (2019). Re-aerosolization in liquid-based air samplers induces bias in bacterial diversity. Aerosol Science and Technology 53(11):1244–1260. Selected for Notable paper of the year 2019 by the AS&T Editorial Advisory Board Member


135) Mohamed Rhouma, William Thériault, Nassima Rabhi, Caroline Duchaine, Sylvain Quessy, and Philippe Fravalo (2019). First identification of mcr-1/mcr-2 genes in the fecal microbiota of Canadian commercial pigs during the growing and finishing period. Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports 10 (2019): 65


134) Jakob Hjort Bønløkke, Caroline Duchaine, Vivi Schlünssen, Torben Sigsgaard, Marc Veillette, Ioannis Basinas (2019). Archaea and bacteria exposure in Danish livestock farmers. Annals of Work Exposures and Health 1–10 doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxz058.


133) Ariane Lechasseur, Simon Altmejd, Natalie Turgeon, Giorgio Buonanno, Lidia Morawska, David Brunet, Caroline Duchaine and Mathieu C Morissette (2019). Variations in coil temperature/power and e-liquid constituents change size and lung deposition of particles emitted by an electronic cigarette. Physiological Reports 7(10): e14093


132) Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillette, Jonathan Pilote, Valérie Létourneau and Caroline Duchaine (2019). Bioaerosols play a major role in the nasopharyngeal microbiota content in agricultural environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 16(8): 1375


131) Hamza Mbareche, Lidia Morawska and Caroline Duchaine (2019). On the interpretation of bioaerosol exposure measurements and impacts on health. Journal of Air and Waste Management Association 69(7):789–804


130) Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillette, Wieke Teertstra, Willem Kegel, Guillaume J. Bilodeau, Han A.B. Wösten and Caroline Duchaine (2019).Fungal cell recovery from air samples: a tale of loss and gain. Applied and Environmental Microbiology AEM.02941-18. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02941-18


129) Nathalie Turgeon, Marie-Ève Hamelin, Daniel Verreault, Ariane Lévesque, Chantal Rhéaume, Julie Carbonneau, Liva Checkmahomed, Matthieu Girard, Guy Boivin, Caroline Duchaine (2019). Design and validation with Influenza A virus of an aerosol transmission chamber for ferrets. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19;16(4). pii: E609.


128) Samira Mubareka, Nicolas Groulx, Eric Savory, Todd Cutts, S. Theriault, James A. Scott, Chad J. Roy, Nathalie Turgeon, E. Bryce, G. Astrakianakis, Shelley Kirychuk, Matthieu Girard, Gary Kobinger, C. Zhang and Caroline Duchaine (2019). Bioaerosols and transmission, a diverse and growing community of practice. Frontiers in Public Health, section Infectious Diseases – Surveillance, Prevention and Treatment


127) Jonathan Pilote, Valérie Létourneau, Matthieu Girard and Caroline Duchaine (2019). Quantification of airborne dust, endotoxins, human pathogens and antibiotic and metal resistance genes in Eastern Canadian swine confinement buildings. Aerobiologia 35(2): 283-296


126) Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillette, Guillaume J Bilodeau and Caroline Duchaine (2019). Fungal aerosols at Dairy Farms using Molecular and Culture Techniques. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN) 653: 253-263


125) Sébastien Fournel, Stéphane Godbout, Pierre. Ruel, Annie Fortin, Karine Duquette-Lozeau, Valérie Létourneau, Mylène Généreux, Joanie Lemieux, Denis Potvin, Caroline Côté and Caroline Duchaine and Doris Pellerin (2019). Production of recycled manure solids used as bedding for dairy cows in Canada: II. Composting methods. Journal of Dairy Sciences 102(2): 1847-1865


124) Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillette, Guillaume J Bilodeau and Caroline Duchaine (2018). Bioaerosol Sampler Choice Should Consider Efficiency and Ability of Samplers to Cover Microbial Diversity. Applied and Environmental Microbiology AEM.01589-18 Selected by the editors of AEM for inclusion in "Spotlight", a feature in the Journal highlighting research articles in the upcoming issue that have been deemed of significant interest.


123) Hamza Mbareche, Marc Veillette, Marie-Eve Dubuis, Bouchra Bakhiyi, Geneviève Marchand, Joseph Zayed, Jacques Lavoie, Guillaume Bilodeau and Caroline Duchaine (2018). Fungal Bioaerosols in Biomethanization Facilities. Journal of Air and Waste Management 2018 68(11):1198-1210


122) Magali Boucher, Pascale Blais-Lecours, Valérie Létourneau, Marc Veillette, Caroline Duchaine and David Marsolais (2018). Organic components of airborne dust influence the magnitude and kinetics of dendritic cell activation. Toxicology In vitro 50: 391-398


121) Eric Jubinville, Marc Veillette, Julie Milot, André M. Comeau, Roger C. Levesque, Caroline Duchaine (2018). Exacerbation induces a microbiota shift in sputa of COPD patients. PlosONE 13(3): e0194355


120) Nicolas Groulx, Bruce Urch, Caroline Duchaine, Samira Mubareka, and James Scott (2018). The Pollution Particulate Concentrator (PoPCon): a platform to investigate the effects of particulate air pollutants on viral infectivity. Science of the Total Environment 628-629: 1101-1107


119) Marc Veillette, Laetitia Bonifait, Marie-Eve Dubuis, Hamza M’Bareche, Yves Bernard, Geneviève Marchand and Caroline Duchaine (2018).Preferential aerosolization of Actinobacteria during handling of composting organic matter. Journal of Aerosol Science 116: 83-91


118) Ariane Lechasseur, Jean-Christophe Bérubé, Éric Jubinville, Joanie Routhier, Mélanie Hamel-Auger, Sophie Aubin, Marie-Ève Paré, Marie-Josée Beaulieu, Yohan Bossé, Caroline Duchaine and Mathieu C Morissette (2017). Exposure to electronic cigarette vapors affects pulmonary and systemic expression of circadian molecular clock genes. Physiological Reports5(19): e13440.


117) Évelyne Brisebois, Marc Veillette, Vanessa Dion-Dupont, Jacques Lavoie, Alexander Culley, Jacques Corbeil and Caroline Duchaine (2018). Human viral pathogens are pervasive in wastewater treatment centers aerosols. Journal of Environmental Sciences 67: 45-53


116) Congrong He, Ian M. Mackay, Kay Ramsay, Zhen Liang, Timothy Kidd, Luke D. Knibbs, Graham Johnson, Rebecca Stockwell, Mark G. Coulthard, Debbie A. Long, Tara J. Williams, Caroline Duchaine, Natalie Smith, Claire Wainwright and Lidia Morawska (2017). Particle and Bioaerosol Characteristics in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Environment International 107 (2017):89-99


115) Phillipa Perrott, Nathalie Turgeon, Léa Gauthier-Levesque and Caroline Duchaine (2017). Preferential aerosolization of bacteria in bioaerosols generated in vitro. Journal of Applied Microbiology 23(3): 688-697


114) Marie-Eve Dubuis, Hamza M’Bareche, Marc Veillette, Joseph Zayed, Jacques Lavoie, Bouchra Bakhiyi and Caroline Duchaine (2017). Bioaerosols concentrations in working areas in biomethanization facilities. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 67(11): 1258-1271


113) Hamza MBareche, Marc Veillette, Laetitia Bonifait, Marie-Eve Dubuis, Yves Benard, Geneviève Marchand, Guillaume J. Bilodeau and Caroline Duchaine (2017).A Next Generation Sequencing Approach with a Suitable Bioinformatics Workflow to Study Fungal Diversity in Bioaerosols Released from Two Different Types of Composting plants. Science of the Total Environment 601-602:1306-1314


111) Hamza M’Bareche, Évelyne Brisebois, Marc Veillette and Caroline Duchaine (2017). Molecular approaches for bioaerosol analyses: no pain, no gain. Science of the Total Environment 599-600:2095-2104


110) Laetitia Bonifait, Geneviève Marchand, Marc Veillette, Hamza M’Bareche, Marie-Eve Dubuis, Carole Pépin, Yves Cloutier, Yves Bernard and Caroline Duchaine (2017). Workers’ exposure to bioaerosols from three different types of composting facilities. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 14(10): 815-822


109) Carole-Ann Huppé, Pascale Blais Lecours, Ariane Lechasseur, David R. Gendron, Anne-Marie Lemay, Élyse Bissonnette, Marie-Renée Blanchet, Caroline Duchaine, Mathieu C. Morissette, Hugh Rosen, David Marsolais (2018). A sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 agonist inhibits tertiary lymphoid tissue reactivation and hypersensitivity in the lung. Musosal Immunology 11(1):112-119


108) Emilie Bernatchez, Matthew J Gold, Anick Langlois, Pascale Blais-Lecours, Caroline Duchaine, David Marsolais, Kelly M McNagny, and Marie-Renée Blanchet (2017). Methanosphaera stadtmanae induces a type IV hypersensitivity response in a mouse model of airway inflammation. Physiological Reports 5(7): 1-13


107) Nathalie Turgeon, Kevin Michel, Thi-Lan Ha, Enric Robine, Sylvain Moineau, and Caroline Duchaine (2016). Resistance of Aerosolized Bacterial Viruses to Four Germicidal Products. PlosOne Dec 28;11(12):e0168815


106) Xavier Triadó-Margarit, Marc Veillette, Caroline Duchaine, Maude Talbot, Fulvio Amato, Mari Cruz Minguillón, Vania Martins, Eladio de Miguel, Emilio Ortega Casamayor, Xavier Querol, Teresa Moreno (2016). Bioaerosols in Barcelona Subway trains and stations. Indoor Air 27(3):564-575.


105) Nathalie Turgeon, Marie-Josée Toulouse, Jim Ho, Dongqin Li and Caroline Duchaine (2017). Neuraminidase as an enzymatic marker for the detection of airborne influenza and other viruses. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 63:119-128


104) Heidi Salonen, Caroline Duchaine, Valérie Létourneau, Mandana Mazaheri, Sirpa Laitinen, Sam Clifford, Raimo Mikkola, Sanna Lappalainen, Kari Reijula and Lidia Morawska (2016). Endotoxin levels and contribution factors of endotoxins in resident, school, and office environments — A review. Atmospheric Environment 142 (October): 360–369


103) Caroline Duchaine (2016). Assessing Microbial Decontamination of Indoor Air With Particular Focus on Human Pathogenic Viruses. American Journal of Infection Control 44(9 supplement): S121-S126.


102) Geneviève Marchand, Yves Cloutier, Jacques Lavoie, Marc Veillette, and Caroline Duchaine (2016). Bacteria Emitted in Ambient Air During Bronchoscopies - A Risk to Health Care Workers? American Journal of Infection Control 44(12): 1634–1638.


101) Nicolas Groulx, C Lecours, Nathalie Turgeon, John Volckens, Marie-Ève Tremblay and Caroline Duchaine (2016).Nano-scale aerovirology: an efficient yet simple method to analyze the viral content of single bioaerosols. Aerosol Science and Technology 50(7): 732–739


100) Léa Gauthier-Levesque, Laetitia Bonifait, Nathalie Turgeon, Marc Veillette, Phillipa Perrott, Daniel Grenier and Caroline Duchaine (2016). Impact of serotype and sequence type on the preferential aerosolization of Streptococcus suis. BMC Research Notes 9 (273): 1-7


99) Heidi Salonen, Caroline Duchaine, Valérie Létourneau, Mandana Mazaheri, Sirpa Laitinen, Sam Clifford, Raimo Mikkola, Sanna Lappalainen, Kari Reijula, Lidia Morawska. Endotoxins in indoor air and settled dust in different indoor environments — A review. Atmospheric Environment 142: 360-369.


98) Daniel Verreault, Mélissa Marcoux-Voiselle, Nathalie Turgeon, Sylvain Moineau et Caroline Duchaine (2015). Resistance of Four Aerosolized Bacteriophages to Relative Humidity and Temperature Stresses: A Step in the Understanding of Airborne Virus Transmission. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81(20): 7305-11


97) Laetitia Bonifait, Remi Charlebois, Marc Veillette, Yves Longtin, Julie Jean and Caroline Duchaine (2015). Detection and Quantification of Airborne Norovirus During Outbreaks in Healthcare Facilities. Clinical Infectious Diseases 61(3): 299-304.


96) Pascale Blais Lecours, Phillipa Perrott and Caroline Duchaine (2015). Non-culturable bioaerosols in indoor settings: impact on health and molecular approaches for detection. Atmospheric Environment 110: 45-53


95) Nicolas Groulx, Nathalie Turgeon and Caroline Duchaine (2015). Application Of A Simple Method To Study Single Particle Bioaerosols And Preferential Aerosolization. Aerosol Science and Technology 49:250–255

94) Heidi Salonen, Caroline Duchaine, Mandana Mazaheri, Sam Clifford, Sanna Lappalainen, Kari Reijula and Lidia Morawska (2015). Airborne viable fungi in school environments in different climatic regions – A review, Atmospheric Environment 104: 186-194


93) Jacques Lavoie, Geneviève Marchand, Yves Cloutier, Stéphane Hallé, Sylvie Nadeau, Caroline Duchaine and Gilbert Pichette (2014). Evaluation of bioaerosol exposures during hospital brohchoscopy examinations. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 17(2):288-99


92) Heidi Salonen, Caroline Duchaine, Mandana Mazaheri, Sam Clifford, Sanna Lappalainen and Lidia Morawska (2015). Airborne viable fungi in naturally ventilated primary school environments in a subtropical climate. Atmospheric Environment 106, April 2015: 412–418


91) Daniel Verreault, Caroline Duchaine, Melissa M. Voiselle, Nathalie Turgeon and Chad. J. Roy (2014).Design of an environmentally controlled rotating chamber for bioaerosol aging studies. Inhalation Toxicology 26(9): 554–558


90) Gerhard Kminek, Catherine Conley, Carlton C. Allen, Douglas H. Bartlett, David W. Beaty, Liane G. Benning, Rohit Bhartia, Penelope J. Boston, Caroline Duchaine, Jack D. Farmer, George Flynn, Daniel P. Glavin, Yuri Gorby, John Hallsworth, Rakesh Mogul, Duane Moser, Buford P. Price, Ruediger Pukall, David Fernandez-Remolar, Caroline Smith, Ken Stedman, Andrew Steele, Ramunas Stepanauskas, Henry Sun, Jorge Vago, Paul Weiss, Frances Westall (2014). Report of the Workshop for Life Detection on Samples from Mars. Life Sciences in Space Research 2: 1-5


89) Nathalie Turgeon, Marie-Josée Toulouse, Bruno Martel, Sylvain Moineau, and Caroline Duchaine (2014). Comparison of Five Bacteriophages as Models for Viral Aerosols Studies. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80(14):4242-50


88) Luc Trudel, Marc Veillette, Laetitia Bonifait and Caroline Duchaine (2014). Management of the 2012 Legionella crisis in Quebec City: need for a better communication between resources and knowledge transfer. Frontiers in Microbiology 5: 182


87) Laetitia Bonifait, Marc Veillette, Valérie Létourneau, Daniel Grenier and Caroline Duchaine (2014). Detection of Streptococcus suis in bioaerosols of swine confinement buildings. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80(11): 3296–3304


86) Pascale Blais Lecours, David Marsolais, Yvon Cormier, Marie Berberi, Chantal Haché, Raymond Bourdages and Caroline Duchaine (2014). Increased Prevalence of Methanosphaera stadtmanae in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. PlosONE 9(2): e87734


85) Céline Campagna, Manuela Villion, Caroline Duchaine, et Sylvain Moineau (2014). Inactivation of dairy bacteriophages by commercial sanitizers and disinfectants. International Journal of Food Microbiology 3;171:41-7


84) Christine Berthiaume, Yan Gilbert, Cécile C. Pluchon, Geneviève Filion, J. Fournier-Larente, Eric Jubinville, Jean-Baptiste Sérodes, Manuel Rodriguez, Caroline Duchaine and Steve J. Charrette (2014).Identification of dichloroacetic acid degrading Cupriavidus bacteria in a drinking water distribution network model. Journal of Applied Microbiology 116(1):208-221

83) Heidi Salonen, Caroline Duchaine, Valérie Létourneau, Mandana Mazaheri, Sam Clifford, Lidia Morawska (2013). Endotoxins in indoor air and settled dust in primary schools in subtropical climate. Environmental Science & Technology 47(17):9882-90


82) Marc Veillette, Luke Knibbs, Ariane Pelletier, Remi Charlebois, Pascale Blais Lecours, Congrong He Lidia Morawska and Caroline Duchaine (2013). Microbial content of vacuum cleaner bag dust and bioaerosols, and their implications for human exposure. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79(20):6331-6 Selected by the editors of AEM for inclusion in "Spotlight", a feature in the Journal highlighting research articles in the upcoming issue that have been deemed of significant interest.


81) Natasha Just, Pascale Blais Lecours, Mélissa Marcoux-Voiselle, Shelley Kirychuk, Marc Veillette, Baljit Singh and Caroline Duchaine (2013).Archaeal characterization of bioaerosols from cage-housed and floor-housed poultry operations. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 59(1):46-50


80) Jakob H Bønløkke, Yvon Cormier, Marc Veillette, Arnold Radu, Anne Mériaux and Caroline Duchaine (2013).Immunologic mechanisms in the adaptation of swine farm workers to their work environment. Innate Immunity 19(4):403-10


79) Cécile Pluchon, Jean Sérodes, Christine Berthiaume, Steve Charette, Yan Gilbert, Caroline Duchaine, Manuel Rodriguez (2013). Haloacetic Acid Degradation by a Biofilm in a Simulated Drinking Water Distribution System. Water Science and Technology 13(2):447-61


78) Philippe Duquenne, Geneviève Marchand et Caroline Duchaine (2013).Measurement of endotoxins in bioaerosols at workplace. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 57 (2): 137-172


77) Andréanne Morin, Jeffrey R. Brook, Caroline Duchaine and Catherine Laprise (2012).Association study of genes associated to asthma in a specific environment, in an asthma familial collection located in a rural area influenced by different industries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 9(8):2620-35


76) Fang Zhang, Nathalie Turgeon, Marie-Josée Toulouse, Caroline Duchaine and Dongquin Li (2012). A simple and rapid fluorescent neuraminidase enzymatic assay on a mircrofluidic chip”, Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 74(3):263-6


75) Jakob Hjort Bønløkke, Marc Veillette, Anne Mériaux, Caroline Duchaine, Yvon Cormier (2012). Work Related Health Effects in Swine building Workers after Respiratory Protection Use. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 54(9):1126-32


74) Pascale Blais-Lecours, Marc Veillette, David Marsolais, Caroline Duchaine (2012). Characterization of Bioaerosols From Dairy Barns: Reconstructing the Puzzle of Occupational Respiratory Diseases Using Molecular Approaches. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78(9):3242-8


73) Wijnand Eduard, Dick Heederik, Caroline Duchaine and Brett James Green (2012). Bioaerosol exposure assessment in the workplace: the past, present and recent advances.Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14(2): 334-339


72) Luke Knibbs, Congrong He, Caroline Duchaine and Lidia Morawska (2012). Vacuum cleaner emissions as a source of indoor exposure to airborne particles and bacteria. Environmental Science and Technology January 3;46(1):534-42


71) Natasha Just, Valérie Létourneau, Shelley Kirychuk, Baljit Singh and Caroline Duchaine (2012). Potentially pathogenic bacteria and antimicrobial resistance in bioaerosols from cage-housed and floor-housed poultry opérations. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 56(4):440-9


70) Louis Gendron, Sylvain Moineau, Luc Trudel and Caroline Duchaine (2011). Evaluation of Bacterial Contaminants found on Unused Paper Towels and Possible Post-Contamination After Hand Washing. American Journal of Infection Control 40(2):e5-9


69) Pascale Blais Lecours, Caroline Duchaine, Michel Taillefer, Claudine Tremblay, Marc Veillette, Yvon Cormier and David Marsolais (2011). Immunogenic Properties of Archaeal Species Found in Bioaerosols. PLOSone 6(8):e23326


68) Christian Laflamme, Jean-Robert Simard, Sylvie Buteau, Pierre Lahaie, Denis Nadeau, Bernard Déry, Olivier Houle, Pierre Mathieu, Gilles Roy, Jim Ho, and Caroline Duchaine (2011).Effect of growth media and washing on the spectral signatures of aerosolized biological simulants. Applied Optics 50(6):788-96


67) Natasha Just, Shelley Kirychuk, Yan Gilbert, Valérie Létourneau, Marc Veillette, Baljit Singh and Caroline Duchaine (2011). Bacterial diversity characterization of bioaerosols from cage-housed and floor-housed poultry opérations. Environmental Research 11(4):492-8


66) Daniel Verreault, Geneviève M. Rousseau, Louis Gendron, Marc Veillette, Daniel Masse, William G. Lindsley, Sylvain Moineau and Caroline Duchaine (2011).Detection of Airborne Lactococcal Bacteriophages in Cheese Plants. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77(2):491-7


65) Nathalie Turgeon, François McNicoll, Marie-Josée Toulouse, Avraham Liav, Jean Barbeau, Jim Ho, Christian Grund, and Caroline Duchaine (2011).Neuraminidase activity as a potential enzymatic marker for rapid detection of airborne viruses. Aerosol Science and Technology 45: 183-195


64) Valérie Létourneau, Benjamin Nehmé, Daniel Massé, Anne Mériaux, Yvon Cormier and Caroline Duchaine (2010).Human pathogens and tetracycline-resistant bacteria in bioaerosols of swine confinement buildings and in nasal flora of hog producers. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 213(6):444-9.


63) Louis Gendron, Daniel Verreault, Marc Veillette, Sylvain Moineau and Caroline Duchaine (2010). Evaluation of filters for the sampling and quantification of RNA phage aerosols. Aerosol Science and Technology 44: 893-901


62) Daniel Verreault, Sylvain Moineau, Daniel Massé, Geneviève Rousseau and Caroline Duchaine (2010). Comparison of polycarbonate and polytetrafluoroethylene filters for sampling of airborne bacteriophages. Aerosol Science and Technology, 44: 197-201


61) Yan Gilbert, Marc Veillette and Caroline Duchaine (2010). Airborne bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes in hospital rooms. Aerobiologia 26(3): 185-194


60) Valerie Letourneau, Anne Meriaux, Nicole Goyer, Jamila Chakir, Yvon Cormier and Caroline Duchaine (2010).Biological activities of respirable organic dust from Eastern Canadian peat moss factories. Toxicology In Vitro 24: 1273-1278


59) Daniel Verreault, Valérie Létourneau, Louis Gendron, Daniel Massé, Carl A Gagnon and Caroline Duchaine (2010). Airborne Porcine Circovirus in Canadian Swine Confinement Buildings. Veterinary Microbiology, 141(3-4):224-30


58) Valérie Létourneau, Caroline Duchaine, Denis Deslauriers, Caroline Côté, Anne Letellier, Edward Topp and Daniel Massé (2010). Presence of zoonotic pathogens in physico-chemically characterized manures from hog finishing houses using different production systems. Bioressource Technology, 101: 4048-4055


57) Yan Gilbert, Marc Veillette Anne Mériaux, Jacques Lavoie, Yvon Cormier and Caroline Duchaine (2010). Metalworking fluid-related aerosols in machning plants. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 7: 280-289


56) Yan Gilbert, Marc Veillette and Caroline Duchaine (2010). Metalworking Fluids Biodiversity Characterization, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 108: 437-449


55) Valérie Létourneau, Benjamin Nehmé, Anne Mériaux, Daniel Massé and Caroline Duchaine (2010).Impact of production systems on Swine confinement buildings bioaerosols. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 7(2): 94-102


54) Yan Gilbert and Caroline Duchaine (2009). Bioaerosols in Industrial Environments: A Review. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 36: 1873-1886


53) Stéphane Godbout, Stéphane P. Lemay, Caroline Duchaine, Frédéric Pelletier, Jean-Pierre Larouche, Martin Belzile and John Feddes (2009). Swine Production Impact on Residential Ambient Air Quality. Journal of Agromedicine, 14(3):291-8


52) Benjamin Nehmé, Yan Gilbert, Valérie Létourneau, Robert J. Forster, Marc Veillette, Richard Villemur, and Caroline Duchaine (2009). Culture-Independent Characterization of Archaeabacteria Biodiversity in Swine Confinement Buildings Bioaerosols. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75(17): 5445-5450


51) Jakob Hjort Bonlokke, Anne Meriaux, Caroline Duchaine, Stéphane Godbout, Yvon Cormier (2009). Seasonal Variations in Work-Related Health Effects in Swine Farm Workers. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 16(1): 43-52


50) Christian Laflamme, Louis Gendron, Nathalie Turgeon, Geneviève Filion, Jim Ho and Caroline Duchaine (2009). In situ detection of antibiotic resistant Bacillus cereus spores. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 32(5):323-33



49) Natasha Just, Caroline Duchaine and Baljit Singh (2009). An Aerobiological Perspective of Dust in Cage-housed and Floor-housed Poultry Operations. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 4:13


48) Marc Veillette, Yvon Cormier and Caroline Duchaine (2009).Survival of Staphylococcus and other bacteria in Skin Prick Test Antigens Solutions. American Journal of Infection Control 37(7):606-8


47) Christian Laflamme, Louis Gendron, Nathalie Turgeon, Geneviève Fillion, Jim Ho and Caroline Duchaine (2009). Rapid detection of germinating Bacillus spores using fluorescent in situ hybridization signal. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 17: 80-102


46) Steve Dutil, Anne Mériaux, Marie-Chantale de Latrémoille, Louis Lazure, Jean Barbeau, Caroline Duchaine (2009).Measurement of airborne bacteria and endotoxin generated during dental cleaning. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 6(2):121-30


45) Geneviève Filion, Christian Laflamme, Nathalie Turgeon, Jim Ho and Caroline Duchaine (2009). Permeabilization and hybridization protocols for rapid detection of Bacillus spores using fluorescent in situ hybridization. Journal of Microbiological Methods 77: 29-36


44) Marc Veillette, Guillaume Pagé, Peter S. Thorne and Caroline Duchaine (2008). Real-time PCR quantification of Mycobacterium immunogenum in used metalworking fluids. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 5(12):755-60


43) Daniel Verreault, Sylvain Moineau and Caroline Duchaine (2008). A review on airborne virus sampling methods. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 72(3): 413-444 


42) Nathalie Turgeon, Christian Laflamme, Jim Ho, Caroline Duchaine (2008).Evaluation of the plasmid copy number in B. cereus spores, during germination, bacterial growth, and sporulation using real-time PCR. Plasmid 60:118-124


41) Benjamin Nehmé, Valérie Létourneau, Robert J Forster, Marc Veillette and Caroline Duchaine (2008).Culture-independent approach of the bacterial bioaerosol diversity in the standard swine confinement buildings, and assessment of the seasonal effect. Environmental Microbiology 10(3): 665-675


40) Steve Dutil, Marc Veillette, Anne Mériaux, Louis Lazure, Annie Leduc, Jean Barbeau and Caroline Duchaine (2007). Aerosolization of mycobacteria and Legionellae during dental treatment: low exposure despite dental unit contamination. Environmental Microbiology 9(11): 2836-2843


39)Yan Gilbert, Yann Le Bihan, Geneviève Aubry, Marc Veillette, Caroline Duchaine and Paul Lessard (2007). Microbiological and molecular characterization of denitrification in biofilters treating pig manure. Bioresource Technology 99(10): 4495-4502



38)Yan Gilbert, Paul Lessard, Yann Le Bihan, Geneviève Aubry, Caroline Duchaine and Marc Veillette (2007). Nitrification Monitoring in a Biofilter Treating Pig Manure. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 82: 905-912


37) Guillaume J. Bilodeau, C. André Lévesque, AWAM de Cock, Caroline Duchaine, G. Kristjansson, and Richard C. Hamelin (2007).Molecular detection of Phytophthora ramorum by real-time PCR using Taqman, SYBR®Green, and molecular beacons with three genes. Phytopathology 97(5):632-642


36) Marie-Pierre Cayer Marc Veillette, Pascal Pageau, Richard Hamelin, Marie-Josée Bergeron, Anne Mériaux, Yvon Cormier and Caroline Duchaine (2007).Workers’ Exposure to Mycobacteria in Peat Moss Processing Plants: Application of Molecular Biology Approaches. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 53: 92-99


35) Dick Heederik, Torben Sigsgaard, Peter S. Thorne, Joel N. Kline, Rachel Avery, Jacob Bønløkke, Elizabeth A. Chrischilles, James A. Dosman, Caroline Duchaine, Steven R. Kirkhorn, Katarina Kulhankova and James A. Merchant (2007). Health Effects of Airborne Exposures from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Environmental Health Perspectives 115: 298-302. IF 5.64


34) Christian Laflamme, Daniel Verreault, Jim Ho and Caroline Duchaine (2006).Flow cytometry sorting protocol using ultraviolet laser and autofluorescence as main sorting criterion. Journal of Fluorescence 16(6):733-737


33) Nathalie Turgeon, Christian Laflamme, Jim Ho and Caroline Duchaine (2006). Elaboration of an electroporation protocol for Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579. Journal of Microbiological Methods 67(3):543-8


32) Anne Mériaux, Pascal Pageau, Yvon Cormier, Nicole Goyer and Caroline Duchaine (2006). Microflora of Air and Peat in Peat Moss Processing Plants in Eastern Canada. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 3(8): 408-417


31) Anne Mériaux, Yvon Cormier, Pascal Pageau, Evelyne Israël-Assayag, and Caroline Duchaine (2006). Sensitization to airborne molds and its health effects in peat moss factory workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 3(8): 442-447


30) Marc Veillette, Yvon Cormier, Evelyne Israël-Assayag, Anne Mériaux and Caroline Duchaine (2006).Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis in a Hard Wood processing Plant retated to heavy mould exposure. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 3(6):301-307


29) Steve Dutil, Simon Tessier, Marc Veillette, Christian Laflamme, Anne Mériaux, Annie Leduc, Jean Barbeau and Caroline Duchaine (2006).Detection of Legionella spp. by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in dental unit waterlines. Journal of Applied Microbiology 100:955-963


28) Peter S. Thorne, Andrea Adamcakova-Dodd, Kevin M. Kelly, Marsha E. O’Neill and Caroline Duchaine (2006). Metalworking fluid with mycobacteria and endotoxin induces hypersensitivity pneumonitis in mice. American Journal Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Apr ;173(7):759-68


27) Marc Veillette, Guillaume Pagé, Peter S. Thorne and Caroline Duchaine (2005). Recovery and Quantification of Mycobacterium Immunogenum DNA from Metalworking Fluids Using Dual-Labeled Probes. Journal of ASTM International, volume 2, issue 4



26) Christian Laflamme, Daniel Verreault, Sophie Lavigne, Jim Ho, Luc Trudel and Caroline Duchaine (2005). Autofluorescence as a viability marker in the detection of bacterial spores. Frontiers in Bioscience, 10; 1647-1653


25) Christian Laflamme, Jim Ho, Marc Veillette, Marie-Chantal de Latrémoille, Daniel Verreault, Anne Mériaux and Caroline Duchaine (2005). Flow cytometry analysis of germinating Bacillus spores using membrane potential dye. Archives in Microbiology, 183(2):107-112


24) Peter S. Thorne, Caroline Duchaine, Jeroen Douwes, Wijnand Eduard, Rafal Gorny, Robert Jacobs, Tiina Reponen, Rudi Schierl and Bogumila Szponar (2004). Working group report 4: Exposure assessment for biological agents. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 46: 419-422


23) Marc Veillette, Peter S. Thorne, Terry Gordon and Caroline Duchaine (2004). Six month follow up of a metalworking fluid after dumping, cleaning and recharging. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 48 (6): 541-546


22) Christian Laflamme, Sophie Lavigne, Jim Ho and Caroline Duchaine (2004). Assessment of bacterial endospore viability with fluorescent dyes. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 96(4):684-92


21) Caroline Duchaine, Anne Mériaux and Paul Comtois (2002). Usefulness of using three different culture media for mold recovery in exposure assessment studies. Aerobiologia, 18: 245-251


20) Isabelle Harvey, Yvon Cormier, Carole Beaulieu, Vladimir N. Akimov, Anne Mériaux, and Caroline Duchaine (2001). Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis for the identification of thermophillic actinomycetes associated with hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 24: 277-284


19) Caroline Duchaine, Peter S. Thorne, Anne Mériaux, Yan Grimard and Yvon Cormier (2001).Comparison of filter dust sampling and liquid impingement in environmental entodoxin measurement. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67: 2775-2780


18) Caroline Duchaine and Anne Mériaux (2001). Air sampling versus surface sampling for the determination of air quality in problematic houses. Aerobiologia, 17: 121-125


17) Yvon Cormier, Anne Mériaux and Caroline Duchaine (2000). Respiratory impact of working in eastern Canadian sawmills. Archives of Environmental Health, 55: 424-430


16) Caroline Duchaine, Anne Mériaux, Peter S. Thorne and Yvon Cormier (2000).Assessment of particulates and bioaerosols in Eastern Canada sawmills. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 61: 727-732


15) Yvon Cormier, Evelyne Israël-Assayag, Gaétane Racine-Bédard, Yan Grimard and Caroline Duchaine (2000). Farming practices and the respiratory health risks of swine confinement buildings. European Respiratory Journal, 15: 560-565


14) Caroline Duchaine and Anne Mériaux (2000). Airborne Microfungi from Eastern Canadian Sawmills. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 46: 612-617


13) Caroline Duchaine, Yan Grimard and Yvon Cormier (2000).Influence of building maintenance, environmental factors and seasons on airborne contaminants of swine confinement buildings. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 61: 56-63


12) Caroline Duchaine, Anne Mériaux, Gilles Brochu, Kathryn Bernard and Yvon Cormier (1999).Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula isolated from Quebec dairy barns: proposed simplified criteria for identification. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 48: 173-180


11) Caroline Duchaine, Anne Mériaux, Gilles Brochu and Yvon Cormier (1999). Airborne microflora in Quebec dairy farms: lack of effect of bacterial hay preservatives. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, 60: 89-95<0089:AMIQDF>2.0.CO;2


10) Yvon Cormier, Evelyne Israël-Assayag, Gaétane Racine-Bédard and Caroline Duchaine (1998). Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) in peat moss processing plant workers. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 158: 412-417


9) Yvon Cormier, Caroline Duchaine, Evelyne Israël-Assayag, Gaétane Racine-Bédard, Michel Laviolette and James Dosman (1997). Effects of repeated swine building exposures on normal naive subjects. European Respiratory Journal 10: 1516-1522


8) Caroline Duchaine, Evelyne Israël-Assayag and Yvon Cormier (1996). Effects of Pediococcus pentosaceus alone and in combination with Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula in murine model of allergic alveolitis. European Respiratory Journal (12): 2508-2512


7) Caroline Duchaine, Gaétane Racine-Bédard, Anne Mériaux et Yvon Cormier (1996). Le traitement du foin avec des bactéries lactiques (Pediococcus pentosaceus) ne semble pas protéger la santé des travailleurs agricoles. Travail et Santé, 12 (4): S20-S23


6) Caroline Duchaine, Anne Mériaux et Yvon Cormier (1996). Analyse et risques de la microflore des milieux agricoles. Travail et Santé, 12(2): 14-18


5) Caroline Duchaine, Marc C. Lavoie and Yvon Cormier (1995). Effects of a bacterial hay preservative (Pediococcus pentosaceus) on hay under experimental storage conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61: 4240-4243



4) Girish Shah, Danielle Poirier, Caroline Duchaine, Gino Brochu, Serge Desnoyers, Alain Verreault, J-C Hoflack, James B. Kirkland and Guy G. Poirier (1995). Methods for the biochemical study of the poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism in vitro and in vivo. Analytical Biochemistry, 227: 1-13


3) Jean Lagueux, Girish M. Shah, Luc Ménard, Hélène Thomassin, Caroline Duchaine, Christoph Hengartner and Guy G. Poirier (1994). Poly(ADP-ribose) catabolism in mammalian cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 138: 45-52


2) Gino Brochu, Caroline Duchaine, Laurent Thibeault, Jean Lagueux, Girish Shah and Guy G. Poirier (1994). Mode of action of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase. Biochemica Biophysica Acta, 1219: 342-350


1) Frédéric Potvin, Jacques Thibodeau, James B. Kirkland, Brigitte Dandenault, Caroline Duchaine and Guy G. Poirier (1992). Structural analysis of the putative regulatory region of the rat gene encoding poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. FEBS, 302: 269-273