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Caroline Duchaine, winner of the WSC Murray Award

This award is presented by the Canadian Society of Microbiologists for lifetime achievement.

Article from Nouvelles ULaval (In French) :

Caroline Duchaine, a full professor in the Département de biochimie, microbiologie et bio-informatique, and holder of the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Bioaerosols, receives this distinction for her contributions to microbiology across Canada and for her commitment to research and teaching in microbiology.

Her work focuses on three main themes: improving tools for assessing exposure to bioaerosols and their effects on human and animal health, understanding the behaviour of aerosolised microbial agents, and developing and applying approaches for mitigating bioaerosols. Thanks to more than 140 funded research projects and the training of over 150 students, trainees and fellows, as well as the mentoring of professors at the start of their careers, Professor Duchaine has built up a unique body of expertise.

Her laboratory has designed and built several test beds for laboratory studies of aerosol viruses and bacteria, worked closely with physicians, dentists, engineers, bioinformaticians, physicists, industrial hygienists and veterinarians, and developed a transdisciplinary research programme that has advanced bioaerosol research, teaching and knowledge transfer in the field.